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The social sector in India has contributed in a meaningful way to the development of the nation. 
This significant impact happens when organizations work on local problems and implement contextualized solutions. These solutions are then scaled and institutionalized by relevant government bodies. In the evolving development scenario, there is a need for more of such innovative solutions. We at the Foundation for Innovation and Action (FIA) exist precisely to fulfill this need.

Owing to its name, FIA develops INNOVATIVE AND ACTIONABLE solutions, pilots them in partnership with local administrative bodies, develops proof of concept, co-develops processes, and advocates for systemic change to scale these solutions.
We work with
MOTIVATED YOUTH to develop these innovative ideas and actionable practices. By engaging young minds who are passionate about making a difference, we harness their creativity, energy, and fresh perspectives to address local problems effectively. These youth are trained and guided to pilot projects that can serve as models for larger-scale implementation. 

Through this approach, FIA not only develops impactful social-development programs but also empowers the NEXT GENERATION OF LEADERS AND INNOVATORS committed to driving systemic change in their communities.

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